Introduction Uremic polyneuropathy is a common complication of chronic renal in sufficiency in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). EEG is useful in assessing patients with uremic encephalopathy and in monitoring their progress. EEG in CKD usually shows irregular low voltage with slowing of the posterior dominant alpha rhythm and occasional theta bursts. Prolonged bursts of bilateral, synchronous slow and sharp waves or spike waves are characteristic. These changes stabilize with dialysis when adequate, efficient of long duration and sufficient for appropriate urea clearance. However many patients as, hypertensive patients, those with associated electrolyte disorders (hypocalcemia, hypo or hypernatremia, hypo or hyperkalemia, intractable acidosis) will not show any improvement.
Aim of the study To investigate the Electroencephalogram findings in different stages of chronic kidney disease.
Patients and Methods In this prospective observational study, we included 54 children (22 males and 32 females) with different stages of chronic renal diseases (from stage 1 to stage 5, either in pre dialytic or dialytic stage), with mean age of 12.2 years & a ra (4-18).
Results Stages (3, 4 & 5) had significantly higher Theta pattern record compared to stages 1 & 2 (33.3% of both stage 3 & 4 and 50% of stage 5 cases have shown theta records. Increased frequency of asymetry and sharp waves with progress of CKD to a maximum in dialytic stage.
Conclusions Pediatric patients with chronic kidney diseases have obvious distinct EEG deviations from normality which increase with the progress