Facts & Figures | |
Number of Volumes | 15 |
Number of Issues | 22 |
Number of Articles | 157 |
Article View | 30,476 |
PDF Download | 38,438 |
View Per Article | 194.11 |
PDF Download Per Article | 244.83 |
GEGET, is the official journal of the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplantation (ESPNT).
The ESPNT has been founded in April 1998 as the first non-profit society fervently engaged with the establishment of, and the intent of distinction for, the provision of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplantation medical service community in Egypt.
GEGET online version is a modern continuum to the primordial printed one which was launched in 2001…. a version, vital to boost the international occurrence of our dedicated community.
Pages 1-11
Ahlam Badawy; Gehan Mohamed; Noha Mostafa; Momtaz Thabet Allam; Yasser Gamal
Pages 12-25
Mahmoud Mosaad Fakhreldeen; Nagy Mohamed Abo EL-Hana; Hend Hassan Abd Elnabi; Radwa Mostafa Elkhouly; Hala Ibrahim Hantash
Pages 26-34
Sara Mabrouk Elghoul; Maher Ahmed Abdel Hafez
Pages 35-42
Ragia Marei Said; Ihab Zaki El Hakim; Nada Essam Ibrahim; Maged Elsayed Affifi
Pages 43-56
Dina Ebrahim Sallam; Ihab Zaki El Hakim; Amr Mohamed Fathy ElKersh; Mahy El Bassiouny El Sayed; Ragia Marei Said
Pages 57-71
Basma Ahmed Kotkat; Nagy Mohamed Abo EL-Hana; Hend Hassan Abd Elnabi; Hala Ibrahim Hantash
Pages 72-87
Ahmed Hussein Hassan; Hebat Allah Mohammed Salah Gabal; Ahlam Gomaa Meneisy; Ghada AH Shousha